вторник, 17 апреля 2012 г.

 The English version

Do you have a cat, and you do not understand why her behavior has changed? Some changes in the behavior of cats you need to know ...

Here are some interesting facts and myths about cats

Cats can also express their feelings to the owner.If she stands near and the tail is shaking slightly- Rejoice!She feels for you a great feeling of love, which only she can!

Do not be surprised if the cat's mood changes as your own. Cats - The sensitive nature, may well feel the mood of the owner.

Any cat from time to time wagging his tail.What she wants to say this?For example, in the street the rain, but the cat wants to go walking and stands in the doorway.The prospect of going to the street is blocked by the prospect of getting wet to the tip of the tail.While going this is a difficult and controversial decision-making process, Cat's tail gives to know about all the others.Once the decision has been made the tail occupies its normal position.

If the cat's meow, then it is they do for you.With each other the cat is not talking.

Every cat has excellent hearing, which is not surprising, because the cat's ear can be rotated 180 º, than manage for more than 10 muscles.

Domestic cats live 3-5 times longer than wild ones.

If you are interested in this information, please visit website 
There you will find complete information about cats.

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